Saturday, August 28, 2010. We had a very intamate Blessing for Marley. I am not a super religous, but I do believe. And with all of the craziness going on in the world and before we as a family got on another plane! I just wanted to take the time and acknowledge what a blessing Marley is, to us and others. It was very important for me and my peice of mind to officially on record name his God Parents, individuals whom we deeply trust with our "life" our first born son. And are so lucky to have in our lives and know they have the same capicity of love for your child. That is the true Blessing.
Below is an email I wrote to recap the day:
Dear Friends and Family,
Yesterday, Saturday August 28, 2010. We had an intimate Blessing for Marley at our home. We didn't want to make a big production about it, I just wanted it to be really low key and just enjoy the personal moment. So, please do not feel offended if we didn't mention it. We know how much our family and friend care for us.
Just to fill you in, it was a really pleasant and calm day. The weather was beautiful, we stood in front of the house along side Marley's God Parents Darrell and Francine Lane (and their daughters Sydney and Kendall), who have become part of our family here in Los Angeles and via Skype my brother and sister in-law Delvin & Tiffany Horsford(and London). Pastor Garth gave a beautiful ceremony. It was his first interactive Blessing, and it was quite funny! He kept on making sure we were connected to the internet. When everyone accepted the vow to officially become Marley's God Parents, Pastor Garth said "And all the way from New Jersey! Do you Delvin and Tiffany........" We all laughed.
Coralissa Delaforce (one of my dearest friends) made a perfect Surprise visit (with her son Nainoa)! And we were so happy to have her be a part of it. Afterwards, we all enjoyed a delicious home made brunch and just enjoyed a special day we'll never forget it . Thank you all for loving Marley.