Official Since January 1, 2011 Marley has been completely weened off the "Boob" as he says in his little baby man voice. It was hard for me and Marley, but I was firm and just said....."Marley, you are a big boy and there will be no more booby. OK?" and he said "OK" and shrugged his shoulders down in complete exhaperation. I couldn't believe how cooparative he was. He pouted for a bit, but a couple minutes later he was laughing. Every now and again, he will dive into my chest and zhurbert my chest, but then he'll laugh and just giggle saying the word "boob". I was a lttle sad that we were going to loose that mother-son bond but now we are connected on such a higher level, It's making his next developmental stage an exciting evolution. He is doing really well and he is becoming more interested in food which is making me feel relieved!!!!! He loves yougurt, banannas, grain breads, and peanut butter. My favorite new activity to do with Marley is every Tuesday we go to the kids club, listen to music and have lunch together at one of the restaurants. He really surprises me. He is a little active, but for the most part he has a great time. He interacts with other kids really well. He is starting to understand the concept of sharing and he definately knows what he wants when he wants it. So, now my next challenge is setting boundaries and limits, because we all know in life you can't always get what you want...... even though we try. ;)