And I feel a need to honor a couple of my joyous and proudest moment, before the next milestone happens. This has been an incredible week to witness and it is really hard for me to describe how proud I am and how fast Marley has matured.
The first thing that I would like to mention is ~Marley's first Big Boy Concert:
The Michael Jackson's Circus Soliel Immortal Tour
Everyone that knows my almost 3 yr. old, knows he is obsessed with Michael Jackson. I introduced MJ to Marley when he was 6 months at a mommy and me screening of "This is It".
Then it was release on DVD and gifted to him by his Auntie Lynn, which he watched it religiously! Then on visits to his Auntie Tracie's he would play the Wi Michael Jackson Dance game...... Michael Michael every Michael. He is hooked! He can show you signature moves on the spot and he can sing his songs by title.
My friend Khalid Freeman, an amazing dancer who I met working with Stomp, offered us tickets to see the MJ tribute show in Anahiem, CA at the Honda Center. We could not refuse the offer so Marley and I, along with my beautiful friends Jim and Donisha carpooled to Honda Center in the nick of time and Marley sat there enthralled with the music, mesmerized by the movement, he was spellbound! I kept on looking at his little face. Watching him remain still.....just watching and listening! Wondering what an incredible impact this was going to have on his heart, his brain, his dreams! Priceless.
#2 Marley is Potty Trained! On January 20th, I sent him to school with underwear and he came home dry!!!! His teacher reassured me that he could do it, I was skeptical for sure, but low and behold he did it. He poos and pees in the toilet! We can drive in the car and he will tell me Mommy I have to go. or if we are at a restaurant he will tell me he has to Go!? I never thought my day would come so soon, but it did. And I would tell frustrated Mommies.....don't worry Boys will get it weeks before their 3rd Birthday, at least that's what all the books said.
#3 I have to tell you that, Marley says the most humorous things sometimes....... One evening we were in the car and while I was driving; President Obama was on the radio presenting his State of the Union address. Marley heard the applause and started clapping himself. He said "Mommy we won, we won"! I was a little surprised and I just agreed with him and said "Yes, we won, we are winners. You are a winner. You are number one"! And Marley said "Thanks Mom, and you're number two!".........Thanks Marls? LOL
#4 Marley's birthday is coming up soon and I asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted? Marley clearly said "I want I want a black party". HUH? A WHAT? I took a breath..... quite frankly I didn't know how to answer his request. So very gently and softly I asked him what do you mean a black party? You know mama......... it's when everyone says, shhhh shhhhh and then they go SUPRISE!!! Ohhhhhhh a Surprise Party! LOL
#5 Haircut.....check. Marley would not let myself nor Ahmed cut his hair, but a complete stranger? Marley asked ,"Are you the Barber?" She chuckled and said "I'm the Barberette". Her kiddie shop was tricked out with a flat screens, toys, lollipops, and a deluxe Spongebob square pants chair. She let him touch the gentle clippers, he sat in my lap, completely distracted by Dora the Explorer, Twenty minutes later, we were done! What?! Cut to: me walking in the house one day, Ahmed is a pool of his own sweat ,on the verge of tears telling me "I can't do this"! LOL