Monday, April 6, 2009

Mama's Boy

It has been 2 months....... And everyday I fall in love with my baby boy. My heart just fills up with so much understanding, empathy, compassion, admiration, love, love, love. I want to cry sometimes when he looks at me and smiles and coo's ....... I could watch him sleep around the clock. I wish I could experience the sweet dreams he has almost everyday. Once he is in a deep sleep, he smiles and then he chuckles into belly laughs. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. He leaves me paralyzed in astonishment when he imitates my voice or inflections. He is so proud! I could see it in his face. The funny thing is, I hear him and understand exactly what he is talking about. He makes me realize what is really important, what is truly a priority. I don't mean loosing myself, what I do or abandoning my needs. But he makes me realize I am not what I do, I am who I am. And I love the person I am with him. He is truly making me want to be the best I can be, for me , for him, for all of us. I just hope he feels the same way about me and his daddy when he gets older....... awe man......does he really have to get older. :) Just kidding. I am looking forward to this chapter. Love you Marls


  1. Isn't the crying thing crazy!? So much emotion, and yes, I look at Makai and want to cry from joy, like when he shrugs his shoulders and smiles so excitedly and fully at me, or when we just share quiet time looking at each other and being present - okay, I want to cry all the time, LOL. Today we totally shared a laugh, it was like we were completely connected and totally enjoying each other and it is so hard to express in words, the love and joy. Enjoy!
