Friday, May 20, 2011

How TWO Discipline?

Marley is 2 years, 3 months and 13days old! He is so funny, smart and just full of chat(a west Indian expression; meaning talkative, aware and full of life). He knows what he wants and when he wants it. Sometimes it's a wrestling match of disarming him with my breakables or Ahmed's sports equipment; it plays out like a scene out of an old gangster movie. I am left puzzled and impressed with his trickiness and dexterity. Leaving me bewildered "How the heck did little McGuiver get his hands on a sharp object such as nail files, bobby bins, scissors, etc? The scenario usually goes like this: "Marley, Put the {} down.......Please! Mommy says anxiously. Repeating myself again and slowly creeping up on him, "Marley, open your Hands and PUT THE {pin} DOWN! Then he gives me that serious stare and says "Mommy?" and smiles...then I bite my cheeks not to laugh and negate my whole "strict mom act!" I'm a fake. LOL
I strive every day to be the best Mom I can be, balancing Love and Discipline. I always grew up believing that young kids didn't know what's happening, they didn't understand what was being said in the faint backgrounds of adult conversations, that just "do as I say, because" was good enough of an explanation. But then I started to examine my child,children play groups and my own childhood and we as children remember and understand everything! Words are powerful, Respect is powerful and Rules and Consequences are necessary. I find the most important factor is for them (children) to UNDERSTAND what they did, why they can't , what happens when if they
do........ in the long run (this foundation) will transfer into their adulthood and they won't turn into FASCIST crazy Politicians!!!!! Sorry for the digression, but you understand what I'm saying?! :) Granted, when I tell Marley to Stop running and he doesn't and I yell at him for not doing so. I get frustrated! There is no time for explanations. This concept of holding hands with new legs is hard for them to grasp, but we will continue to struggle........he is two and he will get it. I just have to bear the crying until we cross the street and make it to the other side. Wow..... that was so open for a joke, but I not going to go there. In the words of my hubby Ahmed Best "Nah, that's too easy, I don't hit soft balls".
Oh' right, the purpose of this blog entry. The two's are not so terrible. It's challenging, and I learn everyday I have to parent differently, just as he grow and becomes smarter ....I have to as well. Giving him options that work for me either way he chooses........that has been my best trick ever. And everybody is happy.

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