Monday, December 12, 2011

Marley's Joke!

When I think of two year old...I think of a toddler, a little mind just getting the gist of putting sentences together, a little boy running to the potty, experiencing their first taste of independence. At two years old, most would think they would be oblivious to adult conversation or humor. Terrible two's , Little Monsters, what ever you want to call your toddler, from what I can remember ...... back when I was two? We were not nearly as smart as this generation!
My Marley is a very outgoing an social little boy. When I was growing up, children were really quiet and encouraged to speak when spoken to, got sent out of the room, etc. etc. And honestly I don't remember having a problem with that, because quite honestly I was very shy. I didn't want to be in a room of adults and much rather hanging out with children my own age. Where as Marley is not bothered! He is very comfortable talking with adults just the same as he is with children. And he is starting to find his humor and understand comedic timing! He is very funny. And I am going to share an anecdote from Thanksgiving 2011:

As you all could imagine, getting a 2 year old to eat can be very challenging. Especially when the objective is to get some green veggies and protein on the plate. Well, on ThanksGiving we had a beautiful spread of food at Marley's Godparent's house. We had a buffet style system and then we brought our plates to the dining room for a sit down dinner. Marley loves juice and if I let him drink it straight up I'd be in trouble by now. But right next to his plate of food was a cup of half diluted water and juice. Across the table sat Uncle Darrel his God Father. Uncle Darrel move his juice away and said to Marley "Now Marley, you have to eat before you drink all of this juice". Marley started his slow moaning cry, while is face slowly morphed into an ugly sad face. Darrel felt so bad he quickly said "OK,OK, don't cry" I quickly had to support Darrel and reinforce the no juice before eating. I put his juice back next to Darrell's plate and said to Marley; Uncle Darrel is right you have to eat before you drink. So we all started eating and talking and having a great time. I would say about 15 minutes had passed by, Marley apparently thought this was a great opportunity to grab his drink while we were all distracted. In the midst of our laughter, from the corner of my eye I see Marley's hand reaching slowly across the table and Darrell said very slowly "M aaaaa r l e y". The dining room got really quiet, and Marley responded, "I know, I know Eat-pth! out of the side of his mouth with a smile and we all busted out laughing! It was perfect.
Comedic perfection at 2yrs old. Well done son.

Love your #1 Fan,

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