Saturday, October 20, 2012


This September I started a Facebook Page called RockYourBest.! A page dedicated to inspiring everyone especially families to exercise, eat healthy and fill your spirit with joy. This is my motto since I've become a mommy. YOU cannot do it all by yourself. YOU need support, a family, a village. No blood lines or gene pools necessary, just a community. Do Your Best ......Rock Your Best! Being a professional in the entertainment industry and an exercise professional, I felt compelled to share some of the things that I do with my little one just to create some balance in my life. More than anything I try to be a good example and he just wants to follow.
Marley has been in yoga since inside of the womb! Baby yoga, Mommy and me yoga..........There are trillions of Yoga studios in L.A. We have been to many and this time around I happen to see a posting for a family yoga at one of my ultimate favorite stores Lululemon!!! This may be the first class where he was actually aware that he was in a yoga class. We showed up with our mats and Marley with a willingness to try......He was a bit intimidated by the quietness. We use yoga poses at home to calm down. For instance, if he gets too wound up. I come down to his level and I say lets do Yoga. Let's take 3 deep breaths...... Ok, close your eyes and ONE (inhale).....and it works(for us)!!!! So when we came to class, in his mind we really had no  no reason to be quiet.  He asked me sitting in Lotus pose "Mom, why is every body's eyes closed?"and I chuckled to myself.  I responded, trying not to interrupt any ones zen state "Shhhhh, just relax." And I tell you it was 2 minutes of Heaven! He pressed his little hands together next to his heart and closed his eyes. :) RockYourBest   ..........One breath at a time!
We also go to the park and do strength "Who can hang the longest, MOM!!!!!!!!" We count out loud and Marley loves it!

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