Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The world of an 11 month old

On my way to visit my friend Dakota. I was driving in the car with Marley. I was broadcasting to him and changing the radio station when I heard the Stevie Wonder's version of Happy Birthday. I found myself bopping and singing, adding some vocal acrobatics....when I realized Marley is going to be 1 years old in a month! In that one instant my heart froze and I felt very emotional. I wanted to cry driving on Melrose Ave. Everyday, he is doing something new. He is vocalizing, pulling himself up, crawling at the speed of light, standing for 3seconds by himself and my favorite has to be his contagious laugh! I laugh with him and my eyes just tear because he makes me so happy.
Today, I feel compelled to document some of Marley's accomplishments this week. I suppose this is the beginning of a mothers braggadocios ways of embarrassing her child, but since he is oblivious to my actions I will take full advantage of this time. He can read this later. ;)
1. He says "hi" on the phone. (and its really cute and breathy, almost as if he is throwing his voice)
2. He imitates me! I made a really loud sigh and he had his hand under his chin, he sighed in a high pitch and his lips made a bubbly sound. so Cute.
3. When I show him his teddy bear "Corduroy" he says "yay" and bites his nose.
4. Today he said "Ap-pah" when I was trying to get him to say apple (Ahmed was my witness)
and he said "teet" when my girlfriend Dakota was trying to get him to say teeth. We both could not believe he was so determined to sound it out.
5. Marley is also really amazing with little dogs. He is a baby dog whisperer. It was so hilarious, he actually started barking at Dakota's little yorkies. Marley was so gentle and calm, except for the one time he almost poked little Dita's eye! Sorry Dakota. lol
6. We can play peek a boo for hours................ we have several variations. ;P

7. Lastly, If I have wrote this before I apologize. The mornings are just so priceless to me, waking up to a smile and hand clapping .......what a way to start your day. LOVE

Below is a little clip of Marley zoning out with his Uncle Delvin and Auntie Tiffany after we came back from the beach. Delvin was blocking his view and Marley didn't skip a beat and pulls his hand down. hahaha


  1. 11 months! That was so fast. We are trying to figure out how to make it over there so Asha can meet her cousin.
