Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

The day before Easter, Marley participated in his first Easter egg dying at his God Parents house. He along with Francine,Darrell, Kendall and Sydney dyed eggs and prepared baskets. They had a great time and even scribed Marley on one of his eggs. So Adorable.

Then Next Day: April 24, 2011

Marley and I celebrated his 2nd Easter at the Methodist Church in Shermon Oaks. We were a couple minutes late and snuck in the side door. I received pleasant welcomes and smiles and sat on the end of the aisle, just in case we had to leave early.We had on our casual Sunday Best and a backpack filled with snacks, sippy cups and a toy train just in case. Marley stood up in the pew, mesmerized by the pastors deep resonate voice and the lull of the organ. He wrapped his arm around my neck and hugged me close. He observed the church band, and the fact that one microphone was yellow and the other was black and the lady behind me was wearing a big pink flower. And I whispered "thank you Marley for pointing these thing out" as I chuckled. The Pastor shortly after asked us to bow our heads. So I did. Marley immediately asked "Mommy are you OK? I answered "Yes baby, I'm OK". Then he looked around and saw that every ones head was down. Could you imagine what he was thinking? He must have thought everyone fell a sleep at the same time, or the minister said some kind of hocus pocus magic words. He tapped me again. Mommy Mommy are you OK. I said " Marely, Mommy is Ok. I love you." and Marley said "Mommy, I love you too." It was a very moving and special spiritual time, I am not a super religious person but I do believe in the word (Message) of God. I don't take everything so literally but I do love Easter. Because in essence its about Unconditional love, miracles and being appreciative of sacrifices that God and all people make for all of mankind! I am so grateful for my son, my husband, my family and friends. For all those who sacrificed for my rights and the life that I have today. These are some of the teachings I will share with my son. But I want to be the example, so I thank Marley for making want to be a better person and I am so honored to have a family tradition. Thank you God. Happy Easter.

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