Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boys in the Hood!

Luke Cresswell & Steve McNicholas are not just our old bosses; they're our friends and kind of responsible for all of the Stomp relationships .....at least I will give them credit for the successful ones. (smile) I guess, essentially the offspring which has come from the musical sensation show STOMP is to their credit too. We had a lot of babies enter the world over the past couple of years. I believe we could probably put together a junior cast if we wanted to.
Last week on a business trip, Luke stopped by to have lunch with us in Los Angeles. He is a extremely busy man and literally drove to the airport after our meal to catch a flight back to London. So, we felt really honored he squeezed us in. We had such a great time, we laughed and talked about what we were all up to. He met Marley for the first time which was really cool. And reminisced about back in the day.........ahhhh Good Times. I cannot believe how young I was, when I was first hired. All I can say is my 20's were awesome and I am so greatful for my career and all the friends I got out of it. And I found my husband! It's like the gift that keeps on giving! Thanks Luke

Our visit was a perfect Sunday, perfect weather and our local cafe gave us the royal treatment too! Luke was so impressed he asked them how much we paid them to give us such great treatment. The owner Tom greeted us at our table(at it was a crazy busy day), he gave us free drinks and chocolate cake! We looked pretty cool (wink). Thanks Tom..... If your ever in our neighbourhood check out Al Cove. We're regulars, the best ambiance and food.......it never disappoints.


  1. oi oi!

    thank goodness they created that craz show!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Raquel,
    Sounds like it was a lovely day. We all definitely have a lot to be thankful for.

    ps. sensibility ;)
