Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NINE MONTHS.....time fly's

HALLOWEEN 2009~ Z-French

I think I have reached my first big milestone being a Mom. This week Marley has made 9 nine months! He has been alive on the outside as log as he has been living in my womb. He is such an incredible baby. He is discovering, loving, laughing, and banging on any instrument he can get his hands on.
Marley is now coping with his 3rd tooth. He has been self soothing to himself by chewing on his fingers, teething bisquits, toys, etc. And I have been trying to comfort him in his teething pain by nursing or giving him homeopathic teething tablets. Sometimes, I feel so horrible that he has to endure this pain, but like I said he has been a champ.

Marley has been slowly falling in to a regular schedule with his naps, eating, nursing and sleeping time. I just really just try to be in tune with him and trust my natural instincts. The schedule changes every once in awhile due to teething, which causes fevers and diarrhea. When I see that he is tired, I try to take the opportunity to lull him to sleep. When he has his burst of energy I try to keep him entertained, by broadcasting everything we see, sing songs, play instruments for new sounds, look at picture books, and take lots of walks.

My favorite thing about Marley is his sense of humor. He is so funny! He loves to laugh and he is extremely ticklish! Loves kisses and enjoys cuddling with me. I love it. The day he no longer wants to cuddle with Mommy .....will be a Dark day for me. Which brings me to the why I wanted to write this blog. I am being totally melodramatic about this but I see his stage of a baby slipping. Just when I feel like I am getting really good at being a Mommy for this infant, he is already prying away from my arms in the quest for the freedom of walking on his own two feet and grabbing his spoon away to feed himself with his own two hands. He melts my heart everyday and we are having the time of my lives.

PHOTOS: This year we dressed up as a family. We were Z-French! We had fun and Marley wore his mustach well.

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