Friday, December 18, 2009

Mommy getting her Certification

The past 3 weeks I have been in training for a teachers certificate for Cardio Barre It's one of the hottest fitness craze's in Los Angeles. The program is very thorough and intense. It was no walk in the park, but at the same time it was an amazing experience, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Monday through Saturday 9-5 of training and taking classes, hours of studying, memorizing and absorbing the curriculum in our bones has finally come to its completion today. Our class has taken the written exam and I have conducted a class for my certification! Fast foward.........I'm certified!
Although this has been a challenge for me, I could not have done this without my family. Days when I was just completely exhausted; I would come home to my amazing husband and beautiful son and they would welcome me home with smiles, love and some really delicious food. This was a very hard thing for me to do. I felt extremely guilty for being away from Marley during the day. Ahmed had to sacrifice his daytime to care for Marley. I am just so thankful for your love, encouragement and faith in me. I also have to thank my friend, my little sis and study partner Nadyia for holding and entertaining Marley in between study sessions and my other sister the Multi talented Mimi who introduced us to this opportunity, Thank you for your encouragement and accessibility....your heart warms me. Looking forward to joining the amazing group of teachers at Cardio Barre.


  1. Congratulations!! That is so exciting! I miss you guys and I LOVE the Holiday card - you guys are such a sharp looking family!!! Beautiful!
