Monday, February 15, 2010

Marley's 1st Valentine

For Valentines Day we made plans with our good friends the "Sparks Family". We were both going to spend the day at the zoo.....our entire family's and then have a brunch at our house. Unfortunately, the Sparks daughter; Olivia was feeling under the weather. So, Anthony stayed home to nurse her back to good health and Ahmed decided to stay home and chef up his tasty frittata and let the Mommies spend the afternoon with their son's.
The afternoon was such a beautiful day. Clear blue sky's, bright sun, and a snow exhibit featuring Black Bears, Tiger, Snow Leopard's and Chimpanzee's! I was so excited to take Marley to the Zoo for the first time. While we were walking from the parking lot to the front gates, I found myself getting very excited, because I realized its been a long time since I visited the Zoo! We met up with Anita and her sons Langston and Dash and headed on into the LA Zoo Gates. Marley's little eyes were big and bright checking out the motley crew of people walking around the park. Our first stop were the Sea Lions! Marley actually started bouncing up and down and pointing to them swimming! Ahhhh this made me so happy. I was worried that he was too young to appreciate what was going on, but he was well aware of everything. We visited the Flamingos, Mahkors, Black Bears, Chimpanzees, Red Apes, Tigers, and Giraffes. We had a ball watching the boys experience something new, enlightening and exciting. The energy in the park was light and fun, it was filled with young and old, skater boys and hipsters, a myriad of races, creeds and color. Everyone their enjoying the day with the person they love or have love for. Of course, my other Valentine prepared brunch for all of us to enjoy, to sum up the day in a song it was "A LOVELY DAY"- Bill Withers

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect Valentine's Day! I can't wait to go to the zoo with the baby! Unfortunately, I'd forgotten how cold and how long the winters are back here in NY - COLD!!!!! Haha! I miss you and love you guys!
