Monday, October 11, 2010

Bye BYe September!

I cannot believe I missed the whole month of September! It has been a very busy month and I just got caught up in the mist of life. Marley, is growing and learning in the speed of lightening. He is making up songs and beats, he is expressing his feelings more clearly and he is reading picture books which the funniest thing I've ever heard.
This Month we were fortunate to have Mahmondylla and Babu visit us for a week. We love having our family spend time with us, and we especially love to see Marley and his grandparents connect. It is such an amazing feeling to watch 3 generations under one roof. I count my blessing and feel so gratefull that Marley has so much love in his life. No matter how far away or long time has passed, Grandchildren know their grandparents, they know that they are loved and they have deep sense of FAmily.
Thank you Mahmondyla and Babu! ;)

1 comment:

  1. look at Marls playing the drums!!!! Yes we are going to have an awesome band!
