Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt 2012

I was raised a Methodist. I'm not super religious ....I believe in God, his son, and the holy ghost, the Lord is my Shepperd, etc.... I try to apply the beautiful lessons to my life. I do not go to church every Sunday, but I have to say when I do go it feels really good. I know many do not believe, have faith, but I do not know one person during times of crisis, wishing for a miracle to happen; they do not Call on God! If you are in need or want of something don't say Oh, Please Dear Bob....please help me! When I do go to church it quiets my mind and soul. I get so busy sometimes I don't get a chance to sit and place myself in the mind frame and space to meditated and pray.
Although, I am starting to become ....I am one of those Holiday Church Goers..... Hey I showed up!

This Easter I took Marley (3) and my friend May-har and her son Crimson (3) to church. It was wonderful and hellish at the same time. I will explain. When the band played or choir sang we were engaged and cool .....THE in-between (the sermon) was very challenging. There was alot of interaction with Marley and the congregation. squirming in the pew, under the pew, asking out loud can we go home. My favorite is when everyone bowed there heads to pray, he got scared as was like "Why is everybody sleeping Mama? Thank goodness there was an Easter Egg hunt to be followed. I just kept on bribing him every 10 minutes! It could not be any sooner. Alas, the Easter Egg hunt begins. Mind you it's not really a hunt, its hundreds of eggs sprawled everywhere on the grass, they were spinning in circles like they didn't know where to begin. Marley and Crimsom grabbed their baskets and off they went! Marley grabs and opens the plastic eggs. Double fisting the candy he says "OH MY GOD, MOMMY LOOK......(inaudible) CANDY......" I was slightly embarrassed but it was really funny. He knows now to say "OH MY GOODNESS."

Easter was one of my Grandmothers favorite holidays. One of my most memorable Easter holidays was.....the time my grandparents took me and my brother to Radio City Music Hall Easter service and a special singing program. I remember before the event we went to this diner, and outside the window you could see the David Letterman marquis. I remember my grandparents having toast and coffee, nothing fancy. And my brother and I shared something. I cannot remember what it was, We probably both wanted our own but we were such obedient children we just went with the flow and were just happy to be at a restaurant, especially on a Sunday!....for west Indian families it was kind of sacrilegious not to eat home cooked food. After the long Easter Sunday.....talking and bragging on the grandchildren, eating church cake....we headed on our journey back to Queens! And I got jacked! I was maybe 6 or 7 and someone snipped the purse strings off of my white patent leather pocket book. I even thought? Who does that? I was just walking down the subway stairs and I was about to pull out a token that my grandma gave me and it was gone! We all looked around and retraced our steps because I was so upset, but then we just all concluded it was gone. My grandmother was funny because she would say these thing that made me laugh. In her Kittian accent she'd say "Lawdy Miss Clawdey" in lieu of saying "oh my God"and throw her hands up in the air. Then she would say "God, going to fix him". I was sad for a minute but Grandma said it with such conviction, I believed that he will receive what was done to me. Lesson #1 Karma......And I didn't even know it. God works in mysterious ways........that was her other one ........with a faint laughing......ho hum. Memories. ;)

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